TIG Welding in Cleveland – Definition and How It Works

by | Oct 23, 2018 | Metal Fabrication

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When comes the welding, there are several different kinds of techniques employed. As we examine the TIG form of welding here, remember the following. If you are not performing the welding yourself, it is vital to hire experienced and skilled welding professionals who understand the various aspects of TIG welding. Cleveland is home to a number of welding and fabricating companies that can provide excellent work on your behalf to meet the demands and specifications of your projects.

Definition of TIG Welding
Also known as tungsten welding (GTAW-Gas Tungsten Arc Welding), TIG welding is a manual process of welding that necessitates the use of both hands in order to be carried out properly. Tungsten is a type of metal which has slight radioactivity and is extremely brittle. This is a different type of welding from other techniques based on the way in which the arc is produced in the manner in which the filler metal is added. It is one of the more difficult welding techniques to learn and master. However, when it is done properly, the end product will have received some of the highest quality welding available.

TIG or Tungsten welding is used to produce precise and small welds with critical welding joints and metals. Although the natural form of tungsten is brittle, when it is formed into a non-consumable electrode it become quite strong and durable. Most welders, as a result of its durability, utilize this specific method to produce materials used in heating elements, such as light bulbs. It is applicable for use with equipment that are designed to handle high temperatures.

Components Required
In order to properly explain how TIG welding works, we have to explain some of the various smaller components. There are three major components required. These are shielding, heat, and filler material. It is a simple process to combine these three components. The weld area is protected from the air by the gas, while at the same time the arc is created. As the arc is created, two pieces of metal are melted in the puddle together. When the puddle of metal is ready to be used, the welder filled the joint manually with his other hand until achieving the result of the single piece of functional metal.