Month: May 2018

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How to Troubleshoot your HVAC Unit

Troubleshooting is a complicated process for any application, HVAC systems in particular. You are essentially looking at a machine you probably don’t know much about regarding machinery and mechanisms and deducing what’s wrong with it. If you feel the need to do this...

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Tips for Classic Car Storage in Houston TX

While classic/vintage cars are amazing and can give you a lot of excitement, they aren’t always practical. It’s an investment, and you may even have put in a lot of money to get it running again. Now that it’s running and it looks excellent, you need to ensure that it...

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Important Things to Know About Hearing Aids

When you have a hearing problem it can affect everything else in your life. Addressing hearing issues is crucial to improve your quality of life. If you’re in the market for hearing aids for the first time, the process can be a bit confusing. We’ll provide you with...

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