Muslim Marriage Customs and Beliefs

by | Dec 5, 2018 | Weddings

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Over one billion people practice some form of the Islamic faith. Next, to Christianity, Islam has the second largest group of adherents. The greatest majority of Muslims put religion close to the core of their lives. Understanding the Muslim marriage process is an excellent way to understand this significant religious group.


Muslims belong to a community of believers. This community is known as the ummah. In theory, this community is united in their beliefs and practices. All Muslims believe there is one god, and that God is Allah, and that Muhammad acted as the messenger of Allah. Islam has many interpretations, but there are certain customs and beliefs that are commonly adhered to.

Muslim Marriage Rules and Cultural Variations

Islam is complex. Cultural variations and expectations compound this complexity within the faith. There is not a race nor an ethnic group that does not count Muslims amongst its number. Mosques are found around the world. It is in this diaspora where adherents absorb local marriage customs.

Who Can Marry?

The Kuran helps to guide Muslims during their quest to find a marriage partner. The relevant passages of the Koran tend to be interpreted in the same manner worldwide.

Marriage in Islam must be between a man and a woman. The intended couple must not be closely related. Muslim men are free to choose wives from amongst fellow Muslims, Christians, or Jews, both of which are “people of the book.” Women do not have this freedom. A Woman must marry men of the Muslim faith.

1.8 billion Muslims practice a faith that is, in many ways, similar to other significant religions. However, Islam does maintain and defend its own unique traditions. Muslim marriage tends to be less individualistic than in other faiths. The marriage ceremony can range from a brief conversation to a lavish public affair.