Expanding or building a lawn care company is an excellent way to earn money and do something you enjoy that keeps you out in nature and keeps you fit. However, as you get more clients, you may find it tough to keep track of everything, such as their maintenance needs, scheduling, and more. Investing in the best lawn care software is an excellent way to ensure that you get what you need to be organized and make money without spending too much time or money.
These products can help you reduce your paper trail and keep most pieces of information in the computer where it is structured, and you’re less likely to lose information. It can also help you estimate work times and prices, email orders to staff and receipts to customers, monitor progress, receive payments, and so much more. When you receive new customer information, just add them to the database and calendar.
There are many options for software, so it’s best to focus on what each one offers and what you currently need. It’s also essential to forecast what you might need in the future to ensure that you have a software program that grows with you.
Schedule Faster
Lawn care software should save you a lot of time. The goal is to ensure that you don’t overschedule yourself or your team so that they can spend the time necessary to clean up yards and build rapport with customers. You should ensure that the scheduling feature and subsequent calendar can be viewed from any device, such as a tablet or smartphone.
Automate Invoices/Accounting
If you’ve got a team of professionals, you have to pay them promptly. Accounting tasks can seem confusing, but software helps you do things quickly. Plus, you can generate customer invoices faster so that they can see how much it costs and doesn’t have to guess what the teammate’s handwriting.