Why Having Health Insurance in CT is So Important

by | Mar 12, 2014 | Insurance

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There’s been a lot of talk about healthy over the past several years. Millions of people are without health care coverage in this country. Those who have insurance are often times upset with how much it costs. Whatever your case may be, it’s very important that you have health insurance in CT. Here are a few reasons why health insurance is so important.


Anyone who’s been to the emergency room for a medical condition can tell you how costly it can be. A single emergency visit can cost you several hundred or several thousand dollars. Just imagine the financial hardships a person, or family, could face because of a single trip to the hospital. With health insurance you can drastically decrease the amount you’d have to pay for an emergency visit. Your insurance company will cover the majority of the costs, leaving you with the co-payment.


Emergencies aren’t the only times you’ll need health insurance in CT. What about the times when you’re sick and need to see a doctor? Even regular doctor visits can cost a lot of money. Patients have been known to pay hundreds of dollars for only speaking with a doctor for 10-15 minutes. If you need to speak to a doctor about some sort of pain you’re having, and you can’t afford to even schedule a visit, what can you do? Health insurance helps to cover these regular visits, allowing you the opportunity to pay absolutely nothing sometimes.


If you don’t have health insurance, and you can’t afford to pay to see a doctor, when will you most likely visit the hospital? Most people who don’t have insurance, and who are in pain, will wait until they absolutely have to see a doctor. By this time, the medical problem has likely gotten much worse, which means it’ll cost more to treat. Having health insurance gives you a piece of mind, and helps to relieve you with the burden of excessive medical expenses. You’re comfortable with visiting the hospital at anytime because you’re covered.


That being said, if you don’t have health insurance, it’s important that you get covered. If you have health insurance, and find it to be too expensive, consider changing plans or insurance companies to find the right coverage for you. Visit RDDK.com for more health care insurance info.