Who Can Benefit from Walk Therapy in Chalfont PA?

by | Jun 10, 2015 | Health

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Walk Therapy in Chalfont PA is a therapeutic approach that involves being outdoors and walking along while discussing matters with a counselor. this approach can be helpful in a number of situations. Here are a few examples of how this type of approach can come in handy.

People with Anxiety and Depression

Therapy is a powerful tool in dealing with anxiety disorders and depression. One of the benefits of employing Walk Therapy in Chalfont PA in these situations is the fact that the patient is up and moving around. Exercise has a positive impact on any type of emotional disorder since it helps to promote the production and release of the neurotransmitters that help to balance the mood. Assuming the sessions are taking place on sunny days, the exposure to the sun will aid in the production of vitamin D3, something that is also helpful in regaining emotional equilibrium.

Keep in mind that being out and around other people is also important for patients who have experienced severe panic attacks and have begun to avoid some public places. With the therapist on hand, it is easier to move through any attack that comes on and begin to regain the ability to go anywhere.

Dealing with Grief

Losses of any kind can trigger severe grief. Those who are having difficult moving past the grief and looking to the future benefit from seeking therapy. Whether the grief is due to a loved one passing away, a divorce or even something like a job loss, walking and talking with a therapist can help change the perspective. As the patient heals, those walks will take on more of a sense of looking to the future rather than dwelling in the past.

Individuals and families can be helped with the aid of walk therapy. For more about how to put this approach to good use, talk with the team at Mary V. Shull Counseling today. After assessing the issues facing the patient, there is a good chance that using this approach in conjunction with other types of therapy will make it easier to recover and begin to look forward to the future with a lot of anticipation.