What Is Grand Format Printing?

by | May 4, 2018 | Printing

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Surely you have been driving down the road, street or busy highway and seen a billboard that advertises a company as big as life. That is grand format printing, it’s eye catching, it’s easy understood, and in most cases, it gives potential customers directions on how to get to them. When you utilize this form of advertising you are doing so on a mass scale. Every single pair of eyes that passes it has the potential to look up at that billboard and if not now, they might in the future catalogue that in the back of their mind as a place they will take their business to.

It Needs to Be Done Right and By Professionals

When you have decided you are going to rent a billboard for all passing traffic to see, it is now time to find a company that can do it properly and has the ability to bring the image you have in your mind to reality. When you are looking into a printing company you should look for the following qualities in grand format printing:

  • Seamless black-back vinyl

  • Quality products like 7oz, outdoor weight, Ultraflex Vinyl (which is the industry standard)

  • A quick turnaround time to completing your order so you can have it put onto your billboard and get it working as soon as possible.

  • Has knowledge of proper installation and what customized finishing might be required by the installer.

It’s hard to oversell the effect that a beautiful and eye-catching billboard can have on the general viewing public. It can mean the difference between a company’s growth or their slow fade into obscurity. Let the public know you are around and that yours is the business they should be putting their money into. For more information please visit Sitename.