Warning Signs You Need Rodent Control in Scottsdale, AZ

by | May 17, 2016 | Pest Control

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There are many signs that point to a need for Rodent Control Scottsdale AZ. Having rodents and pests in your home is both irritating and unclean. If you have rodents, you definitely need a professional to come out and get rid of them for you. Here are some of the biggest signs you have them.

Urine and Droppings Around the

you see urine and droppings throughout your house, this is a huge sign that you have rats or mice living with you. It could even be roaches if the droppings are tiny enough. This is a major concern for your health, so you will want to find a solution quickly.

Damages to Your Property

If your clothes, rugs, furniture, or walls have holes in them or look like something has been gnawing its way into them, this likely means you have rodents. Another sign is if your wires have been chewed up. This can cause electrical fires, which is incredibly dangerous. Call a professional for rodent control in Scottsdale, AZ now. The last thing you want is for your property to become damaged just because you did not make a quick phone call and find a solution to the issue.

Annoying Rustling and Scratching Noises

If you have been hearing rustling and scratching sounds, this probably means you have rodents in your house. This calls for immediate action. Whether they are scratching and rustling sounds or you actually hear rodents running up and down above your ceiling or in the walls, you definitely need someone who can fix this problem quickly.

Pests Spotted Around Your House

An obvious sign that you have a rodent problem is if you have actually spotted one. Even if you have only seen one mouse or one rat, this could mean there is a whole family running around somewhere. Things will only get worse if rodents are present, so go ahead and call pest control to get rid of them as soon as possible.

If you have problems similar to the ones mentioned above.