Troubleshooting Tips for Garage Doors in Cape Coral, FL

by | Feb 12, 2014 | Garage Doors

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What do you do when you come home one day and your garage door will not open? Garage doors are typically very reliable and can withstand years of opening and closing as well as the effects of rain, wind and extreme sunlight. However, if your door decides to start giving trouble, use the following troubleshooting tips for garage doors in Cape Coral, FL to diagnose the problem.

Check the power supply – Even if the rest of your home has electricity, never assume that your garage door is receiving it as well. Check to ensure that the garage unit is plugged in properly and that there is power going to it. If not, check to breaker box to see if the switch it connects to tripped. If this does not solve the problem, it is best to consult with a professional garage door technician to diagnose and solve the issue.

Examine the tracks and doors for damage and obstructions – For your garage door to function optimally, the metal tracks and doors should be free of all obstructions and damage. Check for dents, warping, leafs, pebbles, twigs and even excessive dirt, which can all prevent the smooth operation of your garage door.

Add lubrication to the door tracks – An inadequately lubricated track forces the motor to work harder than it needs to in order to raise and lower the garage door. Another unsettling side effect of this problem is loud squeaking and grating sounds during operation. Eliminate this problem quickly and easily by using metal lubricant spray on the tracks on a regular basis.

Check the motor – Examine the motor attached to your garage door to ensure that it is not overheating and that all of the gears, pulleys and chains are intact. If the motor is overheating, allow it to cool down completely before operating the garage door again. If the motor continues to overheat or malfunction, contact an experienced professional to repair or potentially replace the unit.

Use these simple tips to troubleshoot garage doors in Cape Coral, FL when they are giving problems. Have your garage door serviced by professionals like those at  Visit Website to know more.