School is over, and everyone is preparing to head out to the summer camps in Franklin, TN, if you are letting your child go to the Brentwood Academy summer camp for the first time, you are both probably more than a little nervous. There are a few things that you can do. However, that will help prepare you and your child for the first few days of them being away from home. Read on below for a few of them.
Take A Tour
You don’t want to take your little one and just drop them off on the first day of camp. The best thing to do is make sure that you take him or her on a tour of the summer camps in Franklin TN, beforehand. You will also want to start talking to your child about the summer camp a few weeks before school gets out. Remember, the child is the one that has to go to the camp, you want him or her to enjoy the experience, not cry the entire time they are there.
Make sure that your child gets to meet the camp counselors when they go for a tour, this will go a long way towards helping them to feel comfortable on the first day.
Food Safety
Make sure that you tell the camp counselors about any food allergies your child may have before the first day of camp. You want to also make sure that no one in the camp has allergies that could hurt them if your child decides to take some kind of peanuts in their lunch.
Don’t Share Hats, Brushes, ETC.
You want to caution your child against sharing their hats, brushes, or combs with other children at camp. Lice is just as prevalent in summer camps as they are in schools. If your child does end up with lice, please inform the summer camp and then treat your child’s head accordingly.
Summer camp can be a very fun place for everyone concerned. You want to make sure that he or she is comfortable and happy in the camp you are sending them too.