Suffering an injury because another person was careless or reckless in their behavior leaves you with the problems that can go on for a long time and causes you immeasurable and lasting suffering. The medical bills will start piling up and the income will start to go away. Your family is upset because you are injured and no money is coming in. This is the time to turn to experienced legal counsel
Having a personal injury attorney standing by your side and working for you is a tremendous source of comfort amongst the misery you are suffering. This attorney knows the laws and the court procedures affecting recovery of all expenses and compensation for your suffering.
They will visit the accident scene and take pictures of any contributing factor to the accident. If another car is involved, the attorney will take pictures and examine the car for any mechanical malfunction which may have caused the accident. One important step is to examine the other person’s driving record and do a complete background check on the person to determine if they have been in any kind of trouble that may have contributed to the cause of this accident. For example, he will look for any injunctions against the person. All of this information is vital to determine if the person has a record of trouble including DWIs.
The attorney will talk with the investigating officer and the EMS crew if one was called. The attorney will also interview the Emergency Room staff for information on your condition upon arrival. Once the medical treatment has begun, the attorney will interview your medical team to learn about the extent of your injuries and your prognosis. This is vital information in developing a settlement proposal with the other person’s insurance carrier.
The attorney will move to get your medical bills paid and your car repaired or replaced. He will also compile a summary of your injuries and the prognosis for a complete recovery. This information will help the personal injury St. Louis, MO attorney to propose a very professional and solid settlement proposal. If the proposal doesn’t work, the attorney has other methods, but the trial court will always be available. The Fischer Law Firm will know each of these processes very well.