Should You Go To A Sleep Dentist?

by | Jul 18, 2016 | Cosmetic Dentist

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Are you afraid of the dentist? Be honest, does the thought of getting your teeth cleaned give you a flop sweat? If you have a lot of anxiety regarding seeing a dental professional, you may think that you can just avoid going to the dentist altogether. After all, you take care of your teeth and make sure to brush and floss regularly, right? Unfortunately, no matter how well you take care of your mouth, there are always problems that can arise that only a dentist can fix. So what are your options? Do you just have to bite the bullet and hope for the best? Thankfully, there is a solution that can allow you to get the dental care you need without the adverse side effect of intense stress and anxiety. If you go to a sleep dentist, you can get all the work done and be unconscious for the entire procedure.

What is Sleep Dentistry?
Simply put, this method of dental care is when you are put to sleep or heavily sedated so that while the dentist or assistants are working on you, you don’t feel a thing or are completely unconscious the whole time. If you get into a panic just going to the dentist, this method can help you immensely.

Benefits of Sleep Dentistry
Although the primary reason to go to a sleep dentist is so that you won’t need to be awake while they work on your mouth, there are some other important reasons to go.

 * Save Money: Since you’re asleep or sedated the whole time, the dentist can clean more of your mouth, meaning that you don’t need to get cleaned as often, which saves money.
 * Better Results: If you’re awake while the dentist is working on you, then you want to spend as little time in the chair as possible. However, this impatience can lead to rushed work, so you may not get the results you want. With sleep dentistry, however, you get everything done well the first time.
 * Less Risk: Anxiety can not only cause you to freak out in the chair, but it can make you twitch, recoil, and spasm while the work is being done. These reactions can increase the risk of accidental injury, which is why sleep dentistry is much safer. For more information on Sleep Dentist, contact Cascades Dental today at (703) 444-5095. You can also connect them on Facebook for more updates.