Services Like Bonds, Health and Dental, and Annuities Now Available From Lansing, MI Insurance Agent

by | Jun 4, 2013 | Insurance

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Insurance companies have come a long way in the world today, offering services to consumers our grandfathers never would have thought of purchasing from their insurance carriers. For years everyone has been going to their local insurance agents to procure insurance for their cars, trucks, boats and homes, but these days, the offerings have expanded, giving consumers more options and insurance agencies more products to offer.


Bonds Lansing MI are a popular item for insurance companies in the area, currently. Insurance companies often have full service commercial Surety and Fidelity bond departments to help businesses with their bonding needs. Their agents provide surety bonds as a guaranteed payment for state sales taxes, utility bills, posting of licenses or permit bonds to guarantee work due to specifications to do work with some government entities. Additionally, some lawyers have clients who need to post bonds for court. If you need Bonds Lansing MI, you need look no further than your local insurance agent.

Health and Dental Insurance

While any employers offer group insurance policies providing health and dental insurance, a growing number of American workers no longer work for large brick and mortar companies. With a greater number of people choosing to work from home and make a go of it on their own, an increasing number are choosing to find health insurance on their own, too. With this growing market on their hands, insurance companies are now offering health and dental options to the average consumer along side their car and boat insurance, allowing them to choose from a variety of different programs. By combining their clients, they’re often able to secure group rates for their customers and obtain affordable pricing for the previously uninsured customer.


For the investor looking for a place to put tax-deferred income, annuities can be a great place to put that money. Insurance agents now accept lump sum payments or periodic payments similar to a savings account. Interest is earned over time and no tax is paid on the money until the funds are withdrawn. Fixed annuities are a low-risk plan to help you reach your retirement goals and one administered by your local insurance agent. Visit our website for more information.
