Hurricanes and Your Garage Door

by | Apr 5, 2018 | Garage Doors

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If you live in Florida, you know how important it is to be prepared for hurricanes and other wind-events. Your home may be your most important investment, and protecting it in the event of a storm can be difficult and stressful. One of the overlooked parts of your home may be your garage door. You may not know you can take measures to protect it. Companies who install and maintain garage doors in Vero Beach, FL can help.

Did you know that the garage door can be the weakest part of your home? The sheer size of the door makes it susceptible to being damaged by strong winds. The changing pressure that accompanies large storm events may also damage your garage door. In fact, it’s possible that your garage door might completely give way and cause serious structural damage to your home. If the garage door becomes airborne, the damage can extend to your neighbors’ homes as well.

Professional garage door installation companies will be able to help you choose the proper hurricane mitigation for your garage. They can take all the factors and give you several options for protecting your door. An experienced technician will be able to recommend what, if any, reinforcement options will be the most effective for your home.

Preparing your home for a hurricane or wind-driven storm event can be stressful. Since your garage door is probably the weakest element of your home, it is important to have a plan in place before a storm is on the horizon. Experts in installing and servicing garage doors in Vero Beach, FL will no doubt be ready, willing and able to give you all the information necessary for reinforcing your garage door. You may have shutters on your windows, and you may have a new roof. You might feel like you have done everything you can to protect your home. Don’t overlook your garage door. Reinforcing it may be the key to keeping your home safe and damage-free during a storm.