How to get treatment for varicose veins

by | Feb 15, 2017 | Health

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Are you in need of varicose veins treatment? Many people with varicose veins feel like their condition can’t be treated. They often don’t seek help to resolve it and continue to live in shame by hiding their legs even when it’s warm outside. Looking this way is not only uncomfortable but it also reduces your self-confidence. It is better to try to seek out varicose veins treatment from a vein specialist who understands exactly how to resolve this condition effectively. Understanding where to go to get the varicose veins treatment you need will help you begin a new chapter in your life.

Seeking out a varicose vein treatment center

At a varicose vein treatment center, you will be able to consult with a physician who offers a range of different options to resolve this condition.After the initial consultation which can include ultrasound evaluation to locate sources of varicose veins (reflux sources) the doctor will offer an individual treatment suitable to your condition. The can include endovenous laser ablation plus sclerotherapy and Phlebectomy in some case. One of the most effective ways to treat varicose veins is through Sclerotherapy. Sclerotherapy involves injecting the vein with a substance that causes it to become incapacitated. Once the vein no longer works it closes down and the offshoot veins also close down as well. This causes the blood to be rerouted and then the varicose veins will disappear.

Questions about Sclerotherapy

If you have never heard about Sclerotherapy before, you may be wondering if this treatment option is right for you. Sclerotherapy is one of the varicose veins treatment that only experienced physicians should attempt. Not every specialist is familiar with this treatment modality and if they do it wrong the results will be unfortunate. This is why it is essential to seek out a varicose veins treatment specialist who has a lot of experience in this treatment method.

At Vein Speciality Medical Clinic, you can receive the varicose veins treatment needed to improve your appearance. Visit them online to learn more information about their services at