High Voltage Wire Safety Tips

by | Aug 22, 2014 | Business

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Electricity, as most people know, is dangerous. It is so dangerous, in fact, that it can cause death or extreme injury within seconds of coming into contact with it.  Most people won’t even realize they have made their fatal move until they already feel the paralyzing current of man’s greatest discovery making its way through their body, like a one-use bridge. Whether you are dealing with high voltage wire & cable or simply installing a new light switch in your house, keep the following tips in mind to avoid a shocking shock.


Tip I – Avoid Creating Path Ways
When working with electric cables, wires or equipment, keep in mind the path way your body is creating for the current. The reason people often are electrocuted is due to their body acting as a conductor and giving the electricity a path to the ground, or any other conductible object. Take birds sitting on high voltage wire & cables, they do not get electrocuted because they sit on the one cable, giving no reason for the electrons to pass through them. If they stretch, however, and touch another cable, the path is opened, and bon appetite, your roast is served.


Tip II – Bring Protection, Bring Rubber
Rubber as a material is fantastic when it comes to dealing with an electric current, as the material is a terrible conductor. When you’re working with electricity, wear rubber gloves and rubber soles on your shoes. As rubber is such a terrible conductor, it effectively stops the electricity from passing, forming a barrier between your great conductive body and the electric death. Buy your rubber equipment from an actual designated equipment shop, as normal house hold rubber gloves will not be thick enough and are normally not made from 100% rubber.


Tip III – Don’t Work on Live Circuits
This tip may seem obvious, but a vast amount of electricity involved accidents are caused due to work being done on a live circuit. Before you begin any work on electric equipment or circuits, make sure you have switched off the electricity from the fuse box or electricity entry point. This way you can work with piece of mind that you will not be shocked. If you are working on something which cannot be turned off then try to get circuit diverters to cut your section off. And again, if this is impossible, then hire a professional electrician with the correct equipment to get the job done safely.


Tip IIII – Better Safe Than Sorry
Before doing a job, some people may think that using up their time finding the right safety equipment or waiting for a professional to come is a waste. This is a mistake. Take some time to think about the task you are undertaking and the potential risks involved. It is always better to play it safe and use a little bit more time preparing rather than being impatient and getting yourself hurt.


Play it safe when buying high voltage wire & cable. Visit the professionals at SASI. Reach them online at http://www.sasi-wire.com or by phone, 763-422-0301.