Get Rid of Bedbugs the First Time- Use Viking Pest for Bedbug Extermination

by | Jul 27, 2017 | Pest Control Service

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Bedbugs are one of the most difficult pests to eliminate, which is why we suggest that anyone experiencing a bedbug problem in Pennsylvania, choose a professional bedbug exterminator.  Not all professional exterminators are capable of tackling bedbugs. In fact, the pesticides that are so effective at handling other pest-insect species are generally ineffective with bedbugs.  Instead, a bedbug elimination strategy has to take into account that the bugs are pesticide-resistant and, instead of using increasing amounts of pesticides that can be toxic to your family and pets, focus on other ways to kill them.

The first thing a professional can do is help you identify whether or not bedbugs are actually a problem.  Though it is a myth that bedbugs are microscopic, they are very small.  In fact, many people with bedbug infestations do not ever see a bug.  Instead, they may have red welts from bedbug bites.  However, it can be difficult to determine if a bedbug or another type of pest is responsible for your bites.  The best way to identify whether bedbugs are the problem is to have a professional pest inspection prior to treatment.

The most effective treatment for killing bedbugs is to use high-heat to kill them.  Bedbugs are susceptible to high-heat, which can penetrate areas where pesticides cannot.  The high-heat method is also a far more effective and faster method than the DIY starvation method, which relies on depriving bedbugs of their food sources for extended time periods in an effort to eliminate them.  Because bedbugs can hibernate without food for extended periods of time, you may think you have eliminated a problem, when they are merely in hibernation.

For professional help for your bedbug problem, call Viking Pest to schedule an appointment at (800) 618-BUGS or click the link below.