Easing the Frustrations of Divorce in Cary, IL with Some Basic Guidelines

by | Nov 9, 2023 | Lawyers and Law Firms

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Tempers run hot in a divorce. Quite often, unpleasant and heated words are exchanged. One party wants to take the other to the cleaners in court, and the other party retaliates. It’s a war zone that leaves everyone exhausted and in pain, but there are ways to make divorce less adversarial.

Ways to Make Divorce Less Adversarial

Hiring a lawyer and having your lawyer communicate with your ex’s lawyer only makes this process a little easier. The lawyers are the calm third party representatives that will not sling words or insults but get the other party to agree to things. You can also hire someone to be the sole communication between you and your ex. This person is not typically a lawyer, but they are the only person to receive and hand off messages between you and your ex.

The Cary Divorce Lawyers

The Cary divorce lawyers handle a lot of stressful divorce cases. If you live in this area, you can hire a lawyer that will take the situation in stride and help you communicate exactly what you want out of the divorce without fire and brimstone. You may find that your divorce goes a lot smoother when you are not the one directly communicating with your ex.

Arranging visitation with the children doesn’t have to be adversarial either. After the first court hearing that places custody of the children, your lawyer and your ex’s lawyer can help the two of you work out a visitation agreement that will be approved by the court. Contact Bruning & Associates, P.C.