Designing And Building An Outdoor Kitchen Requires A Wichita Electrician’s Talents

by | Jan 24, 2020 | Electrical

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Cable home shows have built up outdoor kitchens and outdoor rooms with fire pits until the desire to have them has reached frenzy. Homeowners are using grills on patios and homemade fire pits and calling it an outdoor room. What most homeowners wishing an outdoor kitchen and living room aren’t aware of is that they need appliance installation in Wichita built into the design and plans. Why?

Outdoor Electrical Outlets

If outdoor cooks plan to keep foods cold before cooking and keeping the wine and iced tea cold, then they’ll need an electrician. Each outdoor outlet has to be the right size (110 or 220 volts) for stoves and fridges. They’ll have to be added because houses are only built with one or two outdoor electrical outlets.

Breaker Box

Adding anything to the established electrical circuitry in a house and then turning it on will blow breakers. Since this takes an electrician to fix, homeowners would have a good idea if they wired the outdoor kitchen to a new breaker in the box. Wiring outdoor lighting to a new breaker would be a good idea, too.

Natural Gas

If homeowners choose natural gas grills instead of electric or propane appliance installation in Wichita, a certified electrician can run gas lines to the grill. Remember that establishing a gas line in a home without one originally and running it to the grill will be a tad expensive, so work this into the outdoor room building budget. Contact Tracy Electric Inc. at to discuss your outdoor room today.