Daniel 7 Commentary from a Preterist Perspective

by | Dec 12, 2013 | Religion

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The Book of Daniel from the Holy Bible is an apocalyptic book of the Old Testament that has a connection with the Book of Revelation of the New Testament. In chapter 7 of the Book of Daniel, the prophet has a dream of four beasts that troubles him greatly, and it is a prophetic dream, or revelation about things to come. For many Christian believers, the Bible is the inspired Word of God, and although chapter 7 of the Book of Daniel and the Book of Revelation contain many symbols and metaphors, these books are studied and debated by many Bible scholars and lay people alike. Eschatology is the study of the end times as it relates to Bible prophecy, and it is a branch of Christian theology that studies the Book of Daniel as a part of one of the primary books pertaining to the end times. To get a clear understanding of this book, a Daniel 7 commentary is often necessary as an accompaniment.


Revelation Revolution, through much research and study, provides clarification on chapter 7 of the Book of Daniel. They show through their research that the majority of end time prophecies in the Bible have been fulfilled, and typically contend the possibility that all end time prophecies have been fulfilled. Their theological view is a preterist theology, and they believe the second coming of Jesus described in the Book of Revelation has occurred as well.


Revelation Revolution dedicates a complete section on Daniel 7 commentary to provide an understanding of the five empires described in Daniel’s dream and to show the historical research that correlates with these scriptures to confirm when the prophecies were fulfilled. Although there are many interpretations and a variety of schools of thought on the 7th chapter of the Book of Daniel, using well-researched Daniel 7 commentary as a reference guide is a valuable tool for greater understanding.


Revelation Revolution also provides answers to difficult questions that have often gone unanswered by Bible scholars, or have not been explained in a way that qualifies the explanation with scriptures that support it. Many questions that relate to God’s origin, the Earth’s creation, or predestination are complex questions that oftentimes prompt responses from the most educated theologians to declare there is no an answer that can be verified definitively. However, Revelation Revolution tackles the hard questions using historical data and the scriptures as the authority on their conclusions.