A legal form of trenbolone is available

by | Nov 13, 2013 | Health

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There is a Tren steroid available that mimics the effects of trenbolone, an extremely powerful anabolic steroid. Trenbolone is much more potent than naturally occurring testosterone; up to five times more potent.


The effects of the anabolic steroid Trenbolone include the development of muscle mass and an increase in appetite. These and other effects have been synthesized into a perfectly safe alternative in Tren steroid products. This makes them safe for weightlifters to use as a muscle building supplement to increase their muscle mass. Trenbolone is an illegal substance in the USA but the Tren steroid clone is not since it is considered perfectly legal and safe to use there.


The Trenbolone steroid has a number of significant side effects when administered. It is important to note that since Trenbolone was originally developed for use on livestock, the side effects (when taken by the human species) can be quite serious. Typically, its use will raise the user’s blood pressure, and may cause sleep problems such as insomnia and excessive perspiration during sleep. True to many anabolic steroids, the user may experience behavior changes such as an increase in aggression and changes in one’s libido. Women who use this steroid can develop significant menstrual irregularities, while it may lead to impotence and even prostate cancer among males. Although Trenbolone is not physically addictive, user’s can become psychologically addicted to it due to the desired results.


Body builders have found however, that there is a safe alternative in using Tren steroid T-75. This oral anabolic is legal and has proven to be extremely effective. Some benefits include:


  • Rapid muscle mass increase: Within one month of use it has shown to add as much as 15 pounds of muscle mass gain.
  • Develops lean muscle mass: Results include a rapid decrease in fat and an increase in lean muscle tissue.
  • Minimal water retention: As there is little retention of water, there is no bloating. The muscles that are developed are solid and maintain themselves that way.
  • No serious side effects: Many anabolic steroids metabolize into estrogen, which results in mood swings, acne, shrinkage of the testicles, etc. This is not the case with Tren steroid T-75.

It is well known that bodybuilding organizations ban the use of illegal steroids from competition but Tren steroid T-75 is considered to be a legal steroid, available for consumption in the USA.


Tren steroid T-75 is considered as one of the strongest anabolics available, while being perfectly safe and legal to use. A full range of legal steroids is available online from Stacklabs.