Financial problems do not have to cause you excessive stress when you have debt relief options available to you. Once your debt becomes overwhelming, you probably will not qualify for a conventional loan to pay off your debt. Credit counseling and debt solutions are used to lower your interest and payments, but may not be the solution you need. Bankruptcy offers solutions that fit almost any debt problem an individual or business owner can experience. Hiring a Bankruptcy Attorney in Des Moines can help you decide what course of action will be best for your debt relief.
Determining Eligibility
Every form of bankruptcy has requirements you must meet in order to use it for your debt relief. For instance, a Chapter 7 is for people with a modest to low income. This kind of bankruptcy allows you to discharge most to all of your debt depending on the circumstances. Chapter 7 is mostly used for personal debt relief, but some small businesses may qualify for it as well. Chapter 11 and 13 are two other forms of debt relief that can be used for businesses or individual applications. Regardless of why you are in debt, your Bankruptcy Attorney in Des Moines will help you choose the right chapter for you.
Documents and Paperwork
Navigating through the red tape and paperwork involved in bankruptcy is something your lawyer can help you do. He or she will be your support system for ensuring the appropriate documents are presented and all the i’s are dotted and t’s crossed before your bankruptcy hearing or meeting occurs. You will have to show proof of income, list your debts, access your credit report, and provide other documents and fill out paperwork as advised by your Bankruptcy Attorney in Des Moines, Iowa.
Your lawyer will be with you from start to finish during the process. Most of the time, they even go with you to your meeting/hearing to help with discharging your debt. That is helpful in case anything comes up that could affect the outcome of your case. Hiring a Bankruptcy Attorney in Des Moines, Iowa helps you prepare for the hearing as well as ensuring your paperwork and documents are in order. Kevin Ahrenholz, attorney at law, offers free consultations if you want to learn more about bankruptcy.